Farlight 84 One-Year Anniversary Celebration Suggestions

Farlight 84 One-Year Anniversary Celebration Suggestions

Farlight 84 is approaching its one-year anniversary, and the community is visibly excited about it. There is a huge hype surrounding the new additions, events and exclusive stuff that the game will release. Players and fans all over the social media platforms have been sharing what they want – remembering that today, we will share some of our suggestions for the game’s first anniversary.

Festival Decorations

The game should release one-year special decorations for their maps. They can decorate Sunder Realms with decorations, and other mainstream games do it even for the seasonal festivities, and they do a brilliant job. This will help players engage more.

Video Series

The game could start a lore video series about their characters. Many other games do it. The game can do it, and making full-feature videos centred around characters will add more value to them. This could also lead to the creation of lore forums and discussion pages, making the player experience more immersive.

Jetpack Mode

The game could add a mode where players could play just like they used to play before the V update. In this mode, the players are given jetpacks but not new mobility skills. This will let the upset fanbase join back in.

Farlight 84 Chapter 2.0 Update - Jetpack Changes


We know this is stretching too far, but the game could feature a short duration of wall running. This will complement the JetSlide ability and add a fun way to play. Though it will not be as useful as JetSlide, it will be fun to mess around with.

Rank Rewards

The game should add more lucrative rewards for achieving the top ranks. This will incentivise players to compete and try to climb the ladder. Mainstream games do an excellent job of presenting cool and awesome rewards for reaching their highest ranks. We believe that Farlight 84 is sufficiently capable of doing it, too. 

New Rewards

This one-year anniversary should increase the rewards. There is a general lack of cool rewards, usually behind paid lotteries. Bring more interactive guns and vehicle skins that revamp the vehicle’s look. More skins can be added to bring the limelight to them, especially in the vehicle section.

New Emotes

Emotes have become a must in online multiplayer games, adding to the game’s raw fun. The emotes of Farlight 84 are very simple. It is good to be simple, but new and more complex emotes should be released. In those places, the characters do unique things like surfing.

Hero Personalisation

After removing the jetpacks, Heroes are the game’s Unique Selling Point. There should be special guns for the respective heroes. They should increase the number of more creative skins. Each hero has their own emotes, and gun skins will go a long way in personalising the game. This will be resource intensive but will be excellent for player experience.


As the game’s one-year anniversary is very near, we are all excited and awaiting the release of the new content. In the spirit of this excitement, we have created a list of suggestions for the game.

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