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How to Contact Farlight 84 Hub (

Farlight 84 Hub is a fan made website about the Farlight 84 mobile battle royale game. On our Website, you will find almost every story about the latest Farlight 84 guides, update, events and other news. At Farlight 84 Hub, our aim is players’ satisfaction. If at any point of time you have any Query / Feedback / Complain / Business Proposal / or anything else, please do not think twice before reaching out to us.

Advice for all PR Companies & Game Developers

Every week we get many E-mails asking for Media Coverage, but many of these E-mails lack the necessary information which we need to actually cover it. Please make sure you provide us with all the required information as and when asked.

Note: Sending an E-mail does not guarantee a Media Coverage on our Website.

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