Farlight 84 In-Game Tournaments Explained

Farlight 84 In-Game Tournaments Explained

There are many players always looking to test their skills. They want to increase the stakes and feel the heat of game against more competitive India. Though they can play regular matches but they can also play tournaments because as they progress in the tournament, there are higher chances of you facing more skilled opponents as you progress. 

Tournament also give a platform to the players. They can get rewards when they win and they also get recognition. You get more confidence and your skills improve as you play more tournaments. Farlight 84 also has an inbuilt tournament system and today we will discuss about it and cover all about it.

Where To Find Tournaments in Farlight 84?

First, open your Farlight 84 application. Then, in the upper portion of the screen, you should be able to see a trophy symbol; press on it. It will open three section: Tournaments, Live & Videos, and Community. In the Tournaments, you can see five options which are: Tournament List, Withdraw, Events, Schedule and Announcements. Here you will find everything you will need to access and even host tournaments. 

We will further discuss about the Tournament List, Withdraw, Events, Schedule and Announcements further down.

Tournament List: 

This might as well be the most important of the five sections. Here, you can see Ongoing, Registering and Results. There is also an All option. In the Ongoing option, you can see the tournaments that are going on. In the Registering option, you see the upcoming tournaments open to registration. In the Results option, you can view the results of the previous tournaments. You can filter it to see only your tournaments. 


Events consist of missions that, when you complete them, you can get rewards like in-game diamonds and gold. These missions are tournament-related only. 


Schedule is as the name suggests. It tells about the tournament schedule in different regions. These regions includeAsia (ASIA), Latin America (LATAM), North America (NA), Europe(EURO), the Middle East and North Africa (MENA), and the Philippines(PH). 

There is also a Rules option, which is filled with the Tournament Type Rules. This is a very descriptive option but is the one-stop destination for you to learn about the rules.


This option usually has official announcements related to the tournaments. As of the day I write this article, the announcement is a very important one. It states that you can create your own tournament.

Creating your own tournament

You can apply to create your own Farlight 84 tournament. There are three main rules that you need to comply with to apply for organising your tournament: 

  • It must be a single stand-alone tournament, not part of a bigger league or related series.
  • It must at least have 40 players.
  • The finals will be live broadcast to all players. 

To know about all the rules, you can press More Info to view all the rules related to applying to organising your own tournament. 


Tournaments have been an integral part of the Esports landscape for a very long time, and to understand and make the process easier, we have created this guide for you.

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