Get Bar-95 Skin in Farlight 84 Sandy Illusion Event

Farlight 84 Bar-95 Schemer Skin

Sandy Illusion event is currently going on in Farlight 84 and has pretty sweet-sweet rewards that the players can draw from weapon skins to loot boxes, capsule skins, hero skins, and more. This draw has pretty neat prizes that can be won using diamonds. The jetpack and weapon skins are awesome this time, and players spend significant diamonds to get those cool prizes.

To participate in this Lottery, you need to open the Farlight 84. Then, navigate to the upper left corner, just below the Battle Pass, where there is an option for Lottery. When you press that, you will be redirected to all the lotteries and draws available in the game.

These draws and lottery options can reward you with almost all the cosmetics for all items. The Legend Pack and Elite Pack stay here all year, but their rewards can change. These rewards are just awesome. You will need to see to understand what I mean. All these draws can be done through Coins and Diamonds, but it depends on the Lottery.

How to Participate in Farlight 84 Sandy Illusion Event?

Sandy Illusion consists of a total of 50 draws, and each one of them cost 60 diamonds. Unfortunately, there is no discount here; hence, the combo of 10 draws would cost 600 diamonds.

The rewards are of two types: Common Rewards and Fragment Rewards. When you get a Common Reward, you permanently possess the reward. There are a total of 18 Common Rewards. Those rewards and their draw probability are:

Sandy Illusion Event Common Rewards Probability

Leave it to meSticker2.6%
Glistening RichesTrails2.6%
Desert OverlordAvatar Frame2.6%
Good IdeaSticker2.6%
Desert DynastyCapsuler Background2.6%
Absolute AuthorityProfile Frame2.6%
Noble AuraChat Bubble2.6%
Golden TownKnockout Broadcast2.6%
Desert ReaverAvatar Frame2.6%
Gold RushCapsuler Background3.13%
Carefree GlideEmotes2.6%
DunesKnockout Broadcast3.13%
Howling PredatorAvatar3.13%
Omni SentinelAvatar3.13%
No EscapeVoice Packs3.13%
Cool Heart!Voice Packs3.13%

Sandy Illusion Event Fragment Rewards Probability

There are 8 Fragments Rewards. In the case of these rewards, when you draw them, you draw their fragment. When you draw enough fragments, you get the reward permanently. The rewards, their draw probability and the fragment needed are as follows:

SchemerWeapon Skin812.5%
AlphaWeapon Skin45.21%
Sand TreasureLoot Box35.21%
Sand OrderCapsuler Skin45.21%
Desert RogueVehicle Skin45.21%
Sandstorm BlessingLoot Box35.73%
Fancy JetpackJetpack35.73%

You can get a Fragment or Common Reward in a single draw. After each draw, the probability of getting the remaining items is recalculated. If you draw already-owned rewards, that reward is converted into currency according to the value of the draw.


Sandy Illusion Lottery has pretty awesome rewards, especially the weapon skins. I like the trails and avatar frames, while other rewards are worth checking out. Keep an eye out for further articles about various topics like lotteries and guides. Have fun drawing the rewards. We wish you luck and hope you get the reward you want.

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