Farlight 84 Zipline and Crossplay Guide – 1 Year Anniversary

Farlight 84 Sunder Realms Map Ziplines

Farlight 84 will complete its one year in April 2024. It is a very momentous time for the game, and it has been an interesting year for them. For this occasion, we will discuss a few lesser-known features of the game, such as Crossplay and Zipline. Farlight 84 Zipline was introduced rather recently with the Sunder Realms map. It adds new elements to the combat but is very underappreciated. It has a few uses and is very fun to use. 

Similarly, did you know that there is a PC version of this game? PC stands for Personal Computer, and it includes Desktop and Laptop systems. You can get this game on the PC through an online game store known as Steam. It is a very big online game store, and it is a free game there, too. To play with your friends on PC, you will need Crossplay.

How to use Zipline in Farlight 84?

Zipline is a new feature of the game that was released with the buffet of new features we got when V was released. It is a very handy feature. Farlight 84 has many ziplines connecting areas, and without jetpacks, some high areas are only accessible and traversable through these ziplines. You can quickly travel short distances using them, but there are a few other things you can also do combat-wise.

There is no prerequisite for using the ziplines, and their utility remains unchanged throughout. You may notice that your hero uses only one arm while using the zipline. This means that you can use his other arm to shoot. The catch is that you cannot open the scope while using the zipline. This means you will have to spray the bullets without scope. This is fun when an enemy catches you using the zipline, and you must make a stand or fend them off. At least you are not helpless because you can still aim using the crosshair. It is a common practice in the gaming industry for FPS Shooters that you cannot aim while using the zipline.

Farlight 84 New Map Sunder Realms Zipline

How to Cross-play Farlight 84: Mobile and PC

This feature is only for those players who have someone they want to play this game with but are on a PC. When you join a lobby with a PC player, the game will send you to the PC lobbies. No matter how many mobile players you have in the lobby, you will be sent to the PC lobbies even if you have a single player on the PC. This is for the sake of balancing. 

PC gamers always have an advantage because they use a keyboard and mouse. This gives them superior aim and movement prowess. Skilled mobile players can hold their own against PC players but not the general mobile gaming community.


We are excited and happy to see Farlight 84 complete its one-year anniversary and are eagerly waiting for the new stuff they are planning for it. The game is popular for listening to its community, so we expect good things. We have created this guide for the players who are thinking about how to use Farlight 84 Zipline and the Crossplay function.

Also Read: Farlight 84 JetSlide Guide – Infinite and Backwards Slide

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