Best Defender Heroes in Farlight 84 – Defensive Heroes Ranked

Farlight 84 Best Defender Heroes

Today, we are going to talk about Defender Heroes in Farlight 84. There are a total of four of these heroes. These heroes are the ones that act like a wall and provide a counterbalance to the Attacker Heroes. When levelled up enough, they become bullet sponges, and some can even withstand explosions. Even I prefer these heroes in long-drawn battles and often use them. I will rank Defender Heroes of Farlight 84 so you can understand these bullet sponges better.

4. Ember

Ember is a solid character. He is ranked the lowest in this list because he fits less as a Defender Hero. He does get an increase in HP limit, but his Ultimate, Tactical and Passive Skill does not match much with this category. While other heroes here have some shield or turret ability, Ember can hide and fight. He is most suited for long-range combat because of his abilities.

His Ultimate, Vision Erosion is a neat ability. Through this, he releases a dense fog that reduces vision for all enemies in the area. This is more of an escape ability as you can hide from enemies. He can kill the enemies without them noticing him when equipped with a shotgun. I like this ability when my position has been compromised, and I need to hide and kill.

His Tactical Skill, the Smoke Bomb, does what it says: a smoke screen. Use it when your Ultimate is not enough for you. On level 5, this smoke also gets a poison gas effect. How will he see through his smoke? He uses his Passive Skill, the Eye of Truth. Through this, he can see through smoke, making him hide and shoot his enemies.

Farlight 84 Ember Abilities

3. Watchman

Watchman is a hero who specialises in giving a final stand. His abilities require the player to have a strategic mindset. He is helpful for long-drawn battles and to the enemies a hard time. His abilities are fascinating. He is suited for medium to close-range combats.

His Ultimate Freeze Defense Turret is a turret with decent HP. It can be destroyed. The turret automatically shoots the enemies through which they slow down and damage the enemies. It hits like a freeze laser. It comes pretty handy in grounding the enemies that jump around too much.

His Tactical Skill, Bunkers Away, is an ability that lets you give a last stand. Through this, he deploys a solid defensive barrier. Through this barrier, you can shoot, but the enemies’ projectiles are blocked. You can do this from either side. This comes in very handy when fighting other defensive heroes.

His Passive Skill, Auto-Guard, is one of the best Passive Skills. Through this, when he is hit, an energy barrier is generated, which has a static cooldown. It would have been overpowering if it did not have a static cooldown.

2. Captain

Captain is a hero built to fight the big things like explosions and such. Captain’s abilities are pretty straightforward. I like to use him for the sheer fun of it. His Tactical Skill is considered weak and not worth it, but I’m afraid I must disagree. He is suitable to use against enemies with Rhino or enemies with vehicles.

His Ultimate, Aqua Blast, is his best ability. Through this, he uses a powerful water gun that slows down and damages the enemies. It packs a serious punch and is fun to mess around with. It can stop those flying enemies and has excellent damage output.

His Tactical Skill, Barrier Deployment, is what players usually consider useless. In it, he deploys a spherical energy barrier at the point of impact. The problem is that it is weak and can be shot down relatively quickly, but this barrier can give you the slight breather you might need in the heat of battle. 

His Passive Skill, Explosion-Proof, is an excellent Passive Skill. Through this, the Captain can reduce damage to the attacks with an area of effect. This is what enables him to fight the vehicle and Rhino users head-on.

1. Ducksyde

Ducksyde is arguably the best defensive hero in the game. He stands on the top with the best heroes. He is my top choice. His abilities are good and most suited for a defensive hero. He essentially turns into a bullet sponge. He has good mobility ability. 

His Ultimate, Travel Barrier is arguably the best defensive ability. In it, he deploys a drone that projects a robust defensive barrier that moves around with you. It moves in the direction you look. While it can move with you, it is already a deal-breaker; the barrier is solid, too. You can even shoot through it.

His Tactical Skill, Wrecking Duckball, is a fun ability to use and goof around. This ability transforms him into a quick ball. His defences are enhanced while in this mode. As good as an escape ability, it is a good offensive ability, too. As you can run away, you can ram into enemies with it, too. When rammed into them, they are knocked down.

His Passive Skill, Double Restore, is a convenient ability. Through it, when recharging his shield, he can, at times, recharge it with double the effect. He is fun to use and very strong.


Defender Heroes in Farlight 84 are the heroes suitable for players who like to play it relatively safe. I prefer them, especially Ducksyde. We have ranked them to provide valuable insights about the best in this category.

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