Farlight 84 JetSlide Guide – Infinite and Backwards Slide

Farlight 84 JetSlide Guide - Infinite and Backwards Slide

Farlight 84 recently got a new combat feature, which is JetSlide. We discussed it in earlier articles, but JetSlide is a much better slide. Here, the jetpack thrusts you. Hence, the JetSlide can be much longer. The main aspect that governs JetSlide is momentum. The more momentum you have, the more you will slide. This also means that as you do successive JetSlides, the distance you reach by the JetSlide will decrease as you do more in one go. This is simply because you lose momentum as you slide. The loss of momentum is so much that you can barely do successive JetSlides. To gain a significantly longer JetSlide, you can start it from an elevated platform. The height does not matter; it will give you a boost.

Now that JetSlide is clear, today, we are going to discuss how to perform Backward and Infinite JetSlide manoeuvres without using any glitches. These manoeuvres can be performed with some practice. 

How to Backwards JetSlide in Farlight 84?

Backwards JetSlide is very easy to pull off. Now, start sprinting in any direction and then jump 180°. Once you can confidently do this, after sprinting and doing a 180°, pull the joystick back and click the JetSlide button. If you do this, you will perform a JetSlide, but looking back. One question may arise: when you sprint, you hold the joystick upwards, so how could you do it simultaneously backwards? This is a misconception, and the joystick comes to the centre when you jump. You will surely pull this off in a few tries. It is highly useful in warding off chasers. 

Farlight 84 Backwards JetSlide

How to Infinite JetSlide in Farlight 84?

The first thing to understand is that you cannot perpetually JetSlide forever in one JetSlide, but there are two ways to create a similar situation to infinite JetSlide.

The First Method is fairly simple. First, you sprint in any direction. Then, you perform a JetSlide before the end of the JetSlide; you should jump and jump again. Before landing on the second jump, click on the JetSlide button. Rinse and repeat, and you will keep momentum. With this, you can technically JetSlide infinitely. One important thing to keep in mind is that you will need to keep this process seamless. If you take a break, you will need to start over.

Farlight 84 Infinite JetSlide

The second method is also easy to pull off, but it may seem boring and too long. You will need to sprint in any direction. Then you will need to JetSlide, and as it comes to an end, JetSlide again. Through this, you will not lose momentum and keep on JetSliding. One thing to keep in mind is that if you spam the JetSlide, then you will lose momentum and stop.


JetSlide is a very handy new combat feature. You can do many things using this feature. Although its operation may seem complex, we have created this guide for players looking to use this feature in new and creative ways.

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