Farlight 84 Heroes Will Have Three Tactical Skills After New Update

3 Tactical Skills is a highly discussed topic in the Farlight 84 community since recently due to the upcoming V2.0.0 update that is coming on January 25, 2024. You can check out the complete patch notes of the Season 16 (Chapter 2.0) update. The Farlight 84 community was concerned about the rumour of the removal of jetpacks. As the time for new update has come, we now have much more clarity about how this change will occur.

For now, most of the heroes will have horizontal flying ability, while some will immediately get Three Active Skills. This means that all the Farlight 84 heroes will get new Tactical Skills. This extra ability will replace the vertical jump and wall run. As new updates continue to roll out, all the heroes will eventually get a new ability, and their horizontal flying ability will also be removed.

With three distinct active skills, each hero will become unique, pushing the players to understand the guns and heroes more accurately than ever before. With the upcoming update, Five Capsulers (heroes) in Farlight 84 will get two exclusive tactical skills earlier than other heroes. Their names and what is new are mentioned in brief down below:


Maggie will be getting two new tactical skills. The first one is Jet Sweep, and the other is Jet Leap. Jet Sweep is essentially a horizontal flying ability, and Jet Leap is a vertical flying ability. Her Ultimate, Supersonic Surge, will significantly reduce the cooldown time of these abilities. It is the Old Maggie with new designs and improvisations.

Farlight 84 Chapter 2.0 New Maggie


Watchman is getting a total revamp. His first new tactical ability is Sheriff’s Patrol. He releases a mechanical sheriff, staying on the specified point and hitting enemies with projectiles when in range. His location can also be directed; hence, he is very mobile. 

His second tactical skill is Sentinel Alert, through which he releases a drone to scout an area. If it finds an enemy, it will rush towards him and self-destruct, marking the location of the enemy. His new Ultimate, Bite Mode gives the Sheriff a missile launcher and additional armour. When these three abilities are used together, it will be overpowering to use Watchman.

Farlight 84 Chapter 2.0 New Watchman


Ducksyde is getting more interesting and stronger. His new tactical ability is Rolling Slam. He transforms into a ball and hits enemies with it. While in ball form, his defences are raised, and when he hits the enemy at a certain speed, he can damage and knock them back. He can even climb walls using his ability now. The faster he rolls, the higher he will jump. This knockback will also have a cool-down time when the same enemy is hit multiple times. When he takes enough damage, he will revert to his original form. 

His next new tactical ability is Full Charge Speed. Through it, he runs forward and leaves a speed trail behind him, which can be used by enemies and allies, giving them a speed boost while in it. While in this form, he also gets a small shield guarding his body but not the head or the legs. 

His new Ultimate, Summit Crush, will cause him to turn into a ball, jump forward and smash the enemy. It is an AOE(Area of Effect) attack. Enemies within a specific range will be damaged and slow them down. This ability can also be used in his Rolling Slam mode.

Farlight 84 Chapter 2.0 New Ducksyde


Beau has certainly changed for the good. His new tactical ability is Sparks of Love. He throws an explosive device that can stick itself to anything, even allies and enemies. When the ability is pressed again, it detonates and damages all the enemies in the area. It also displaces every unit in the AOE. 

His second tactical skill, Dazzling Mirage, lets him throw a stun grenade. It causes minor damage and a short period under the stun effect. Under the stun effect, the enemies will cause ear ringing, inaccurate bullet spread, inability to aim, and much more. 

His new Ultimate, Frenzy Fall, will let Beau switch to a bird’s eye view. He will be able to select two points which will be laser bombed. This laser bombing will continuously damage the enemies regardless of the cover they are under.

Chapter 2.0 New Beau


Syfer, her new tactical skill is the previous “Area Recon”. After using the skill to find out the enemy’s position, Syfer can release her ultimate to break their shields and then use Coords Shift to move in for a quick strike instantly.

Chapter 2.0 New Syfer

Some Other Changes to Remaing Heroes

When Yong uses his Blinding Mark ability, the enemy’s area of vision is significantly reduced. The change is that this ability can be used multiple times against the same enemy. Hence, if there are multiple Yongs in an area, and they stack this ability, the effect is reset each time the ability is used.

Previously, when Ceanna used her Ultimate, Medi-Ex, her drone did not heal the players when they moved, but now they do. Sunil’s Springboard can now be attached to steps, and if it is deployed in the wrong place, the cool-down of it increases. Finally, now all the heroes’ mobility will be the same. We are very excited about this update and hope we all enjoy it.

Also Read: Farlight 84 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Answered

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