Best Way to Use White Dwarf SMG in Farlight 84

Best Way to Use White Dwarf SMG in Farlight 84

White Dwarf in Farlight 84 (FL84) is arguably the best SMG available in the game. It carries the true essence of what an SMG is. It has the second-highest rate of fire. Its stats may seem low compared to others. For example, UZI has the highest rate of fire, and MF18 has the highest damage, but where it shines the most is with the attachments. 

It is the best SMG for a good reason. It is good in its base version but is best with attachments. Its stats without any attachments are as follows:

  • Damage: 8
  • Stability: 80
  • Range: 56
  • Rate of Fire: 93
  • Accuracy: 87
  • Mobility: 90

How to Use White Dwarf in Farlight 84?

White Dwarf is arguably the best SMG in the game. It has the most mobility, sharing it with UZI. It has high stability, making this gun excel at close range. It shoots like crazy, and the clip can be emptied quickly, but the reload is not that tedious.

Farlight 84 White Dwarf

White Dwarf excels in close-range combat as it has a limited range. I suggest using this gun in front of the enemy. At close range, you need not aim; just do it with no scope, and the shots will find their way. When in the mid-range, use the Scope but aim at the chest to lower the area of the enemy. Aiming at the head can be challenging, and you may miss it.

White Dwarf Best Attachments

White Dwarf has four types of attachments which the players can use. In those, the Orange ones make it shine the most. Using the Orange Muzzle brake gives you +50% Shooting Accuracy, and the Orange Stock gives you +20% Visual Stability and decreases the reload time. The Orange Magazine increases damage, mobility and a significant increase in magazine size. I suggest using the 1x Scope, which is suitable for close-range.

Farlight 84 White Dwarf Attachments

Some Things to Note About White Dwarf

For beginners, first, get used to this gun. With the attachments, it becomes crazy strong, but it may take a while to get used to it. I suggest using this not-very-up-close, or it might not handle the game’s speed. Trying to master it from a bit of distance is safe yet aggressive. You should try it in warm-up matches and get used to it.

For the veterans, I suggest you charge into the players and play aggressively. It is only helpful if you can play aggressively with an SMG. Be swift and surprise your opponents. And when up close, fill them with lead. While up close, try no scope and practise with it. You will be at the top of the close-combat situations with more practice.


White Dwarf has some pretty cool skins and is an excellent weapon, even without attachments. It may even put some shotguns to shame at close range. It fires so fast, and with the attachments, it turns overpowering. I suggest you prioritise getting the Orange Stock or the Orange Muzzle brake. In the right hands, you will be stacking up kills and showing opponents way to lobby in no time.

Also Read: Farlight 84 Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) Answered

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