Best Way to Use UZI SMG in Farlight 84

Best Way to Use UZI SMG in Farlight 84

UZI in Farlight 84 (FL84) is a gun that sticks to the category. It is a true SMG. It does not have much range, and hence, it only works in close range. It has the lowest range in the SMG category. It has the least range apart from shotguns. UZI is not the best gun, but certainly not the worst. It is average but can be a few players’ top choices. Its stats without any attachments are as follows:

  • Damage: 10
  • Stability: 84
  • Range: 30
  • Rate of Fire: 95
  • Accuracy: 95
  • Mobility: 90

How to Use UZI in Farlight 84?

UZI has the highest rate of fire in the whole game. It shoots very fast, which may be why its clip feels very small, but at a fire rate of 95, any normal clip would feel short. It is not powerful, so using it can be frustrating when you shoot for a while and not get your opponent down. It is not a one-shot gun or a gun that could get the enemies on their knees in a few shots, but it is a game of persistence.

Farlight 84 UZI

UZI excels in close range for a major reason that it simply does not have much range. As mentioned earlier, this gun has the lowest range apart from shotguns. Hence, I would strongly suggest that you use it at close range. It can work in mid-range; at least, I have used it in mid-range, but because the damage output is low, the fire rate is very high, and the range is very low, if you miss it, it will be frustrating. Try to use it in close range.

UZI Best Attachments

UZI has very few options for attachments. There are only two types of attachments, and as we know, Orange Attachments are the best; using the Orange Muzzle Break gives you +50% Shooting Accuracy and using the Orange Stock gives you +20% Visual Stability and decreased reload time. Surprisingly, no Magazine Attachments will increase the damage, but I guess it is not there to keep it distinct from the other SMGs.

Some Things to Note About UZI

For beginners, it may be a very safe gun to start. It works too close, so you can learn how to get up close and fill the enemies with lead. This gun would help you train to get on better guns like White Dwarf.

For the veterans, it is a gun that can work very well to get into SMGs or try out new things. It is surprisingly stable and accurate, so you can get a decent amount of headshots, but due to a little bit of recoil, you may miss a few. The main objective here should be to learn, get up close, and fill the enemies with holes.


UZI may not be the best SMG in Farlight 84, but it is certainly not the worst; it is just average. It excels in close range, but it is not anything special. It can be a good training gun, or if, for any weird reason, you try this gun long-range, you will have fun for about five seconds and then start the cycle of frustration and regret. It can be a decently good gun, but only with some practice.

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